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Performing Live

Here are some basic tips to keep in mind before attempting to perform (live) in public'

Rehearse with your band

Have at least one dress rehearsal and several more practice rehearsals before a live performance. For the last rehearsal and dress rehearsal, make sure you sing all your material from memory.

Dress appropriately

The outfit(s) you choose to wear for our live performance can make or break the show. During practice, be sure to wear the outfit that you plan to wear for the actual singing performance. You want to be sure that you can move in it without feeling restrained or self conscience.

Practice your stage moves

Practice walking your entrance

Find your alignment, walk across the stage, and maintain that posture. If in a group, maintain balance and eye contact.

Practice hearing yourself

Bands are loud, and the speakers (PA) are more often than not facing the audience.  If a specific instrument plays the melody line, you may have to get used to picking out that sound from the other instruments... practice.  Otherwise ensure you have sufficient monitors (foldback) to ensure you can hear.

Smile and mean it

When you make your entrance, look at the audience and smile. You appear far more confident if you look straight at your audience as you walk across the stage. Your smile needs to look genuine even if you are nervous and do not feel like being on stage!

Know how and when to engage your audience

When singing at a concert, know whether to acknowledge your audience or stick to your own little world. To get a feel for whether to include the audience as part of your song, watch and learn from the seasoned pros.

Be ready for distractions and practice ignoring them

In any concert, there can be many distractions. People cough, come late or even leave in the middle of your songs! You might want to intentionally stage some distraction, practice ignoring them and concentrate on your performance.

Manage your hands

Be sure of what to do with your hands! If you choose to gesture, make it a complete gesture and make sure it is not offensive - unless you intend too!